Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's True!

Yes, it is true....I am pregnant with #2!

I'm 2 weeks away from the end of my first trimester and due in June but the Dr. said that if all goes normally (unlike with Little Man) my c-section will be scheduled in late May. Today is my 4th day sans nausea so I am a pretty happy camper right now. Dad is thrilled and really hoping for a girl.

Thanks to everyone for all of the sweet notes!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So happy!

I love, love, LOVE being home on vacation!!! I feel like I miss so much in the hustle and bustle of the everyday life that I am loving being home with my boys. My little sis came in town last night, my brother is due to arrive any minute and tomorrow our house will be filled with aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and loved ones. Friday my other sis comes into town and Saturday our family is getting together to celebrate Little Man's birthday (a month early so my fam can be there). I am one very happy mommy!

Here are some of the things I have been enjoying for the past 48 hours on vacation...

Eating Daddy's Green Eggs
Eating "Seeseecles" with Daddy
Watching the Wizard of Oz for the first time (and soooo engrossed)
Mommy and her Little Man

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Free at last!

For those of you who don't know, last July Trav left the fire department where he began his career and was hired by his "dream" fire department. Even though he is already a licensed firefighter/paramedic, this particular city requires all of their employees to attend the same academy so they paid to send him to fire academy for a second time. All I can say is that going back to 9-5 hours (or in his case 5 - 7) really took a toll on our little family for the four months that he was in academy. I am happy to say it is FINALLY over and next week we move back to the beloved 24 on/48 off schedule that runs our family. YIPEEEEEE!

Nana, Pop,Little Man and I got attend the Academy's Family Night a couple of weeks ago and we had a blast watching Trav and his buddies show off all that they "learned" (some more than others). Little Man no longer points out FIRE trucks, he calls them Daddy's truck - LOVE IT! We tried to catch a picture of the three of us but who wants to look at a camera when you are standing in front of a fire truck???

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Your prayers are coveted

My sister went to her 2D ultrasound yesterday and was diagnosed with two vessel cord syndrome or single umbilical artery (SUA). SUA basically means that instead of sharing 3 vessels between mommy and baby that they are only sharing two causing the baby to have access to less blood/oxygen and have 1/2 the ability to clear waste as it should. SUA only occurs in about 1% of pregnancies and is associated with all kinds of birth defects, still birth and death of the baby after birth. The three main problems associated with SUA are heart defects, kidney problems or Trisomy 18.

The doctor told my sister that all of the anatomy looked great and that she is not concerned about chromosomal problems but her ability to detect these things was limited and the biggest concern of all is the size of the baby and the baby's heart because she could not get a clear picture. So far the baby is twice the size it should be, which is great, but the problem seems to be in the later stages of pregnancy when the baby is bigger and the umbilical cord can get compressed. The specialist told her that around half of babies with SUA are born perfectly healthy so there is great hope. My sister has been referred to a high risk specialist and will continue testing over the next few weeks as the baby continues to grow. Unfortunately even with tests there are some heart defects, kidney problems, hearing problems, genitourinary problems and gastrointestinal problems that cannot be detected until after birth, so she may not have a peace of mind until then. SUA babies tend to be born preterm and very low birth weight, so if the baby at any point stops growing they will have to take it out. Please pray that my sister, her husband and her unborn son are counted among the many happy stories that can come from this and that God will grant her peace between now and then.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Belated Halloween

This past Sunday was our church's annual Fall Carnival and it was a H-U-G-E success! Here are some of the highlights....

Hanging out with his buddy CL

Taking his turn on the pinata
Diving for the candy (with daddy to protect him)

A dive for candy

Helping Pop make an ice run

Bobbing for ducks

In the candy line