Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Big Brother

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Firefighter Olympics

Monday, July 21, 2008
Knock, knock

The next morning we headed out to Sea World to brave the heat and catch 2 shows (20 minutes each) and 1 exhibit in 4 ½ hours. It was very hot and very crowded. I’ve received some concerned and downright strange looks from people when we have told them that we were bringing June Bug with us to Sea World in the dead of Summer but we were well prepared. We closed up the top of her car seat and the top of the stroller and attached fans at the openings thinking it would just keep her cool enough not to be miserable but there were actually several times when we had to turn off the fans because she was crying from being too cold. One lady at the Sea Lion show had a few choice words to say to me about bringing my infant out in the heat so I had her feel June Bug’s ice cold foot. She left me alone after that.
On the way from
Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?
And he would say, “No mommy, a banana is yellow!”
A little while later we were riding in silence when Little Man told the following joke:
LM: Knock, knock
Us: Who’s there?
LM: Little Man
Us: Little Man who?
LM: No! I’m not an orange banana!
Yep, not quite there yet. More vacation installments coming....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Conversations heard in my household 100+ times per day
LM: Why mommy?
Me: (giving some long drawn out, thoughtful explanation of why)
LM: But why?
Me: Ummm because God made it that way
LM: But why?
LM: Whacha doing mommy?
Me: Working
LM: What's daddy doing?
Me: Working
LM: What's Nana doing?
Me: Hmmm, I don't know buddy
LM: What's Pop doing?
Me: (sigh) Ummm I don't know, probably working
LM: What's Ashlie doing?
LM:What's Jordan doing?
LM:What's Meme doing?
LM:What's Papa doing?
(you are laughing but he will keep asking until he has covered everyone he knows and has ever met)
Conversation #3
LM: What's dat sound?
Me: (listening to the silence) What sound?
LM: Dat one
Me: (still hearing nothing but silence) I don't hear anything buddy
LM: M-O-M-M-Y dat sound
Me: I don't hear anything buddy
LM: Oh, its me, "Little Man"
Conversation #4
LM: What happened?
Me: What happened? What do you mean?
LM: M-O-M-M-Y, what happened?
Me: What do you mean buddy? What happened to what?
LM: (walks away)
Also heard a couple of hundred times a day, in his truly southern drawl:
Dis not wurking
what's dat?
I don't lyyyyke dis
It too lowd
Dis is not funny
Wook at me, mommy, wook at me, I cute!
dis stuck, fix it
i need help
hi mommy, its me, Little Man (why he introduces himself to me 100 times a day is beyond me)
Finally, my favorite thing he has said in a long time happened while we were standing in line at church to buy donuts for breakfast and he is holding a dollar bill...
LM: hey mommy! who dis guy on my money?
Me: That is president washington
LM: I don't lyyyyke him, take him off, dis MY money
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Real Randumb
Tuesday, July 01, 2008