My sweet little baby girl is sick, miserably congested and adorably pathetic. She is so snuggly and still that I love soaking up the depth of the snuggles and grateful smiles but she feels so bad that it just breaks my heart.
I've been working with her since the day she was born on what I hoped would be her first word. My little man said ball, dada and nana before he ever said mama but last night in all her glorious snuggles she looked deep into my eyes, let out a sigh and said so contently, "Ma Ma." I screamed and then I cried. For half an hour I would say "Mama?" and she would smile back and say "Ma Ma" in a very matter-of-fact way. My mom says that when I left the house last night to go to my small group gathering she kept saying it almost like she was asking for me - dad is very jealous - HA!
3 days ago
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