Friday, May 12, 2006

And The Award Goes To...

Ok, so I am not going to win the Mommy Of The Year Award... I am ok with that.

When Travis and I first got married we made a promise to never have a television in our bedroom. When Little Man first joined our family we made a vow not to spend our evenings comatose in front of the den television so we dutifully got rid of cable and my beloved tivo. Our evenings have been so much more enriching without the constant noise and we are hoping to spend the extra time making the most of God's green earth. Really the only thing I miss about cable and tivo is "Lost". Fortunately, Nana and Pop did not get rid of cable or Tivo so when Little Man and I spend the night with them (when Trav is on shift) I catch up on that week's episode. It is really the only time that Little Man gets to watch television (which I know is horrible for kids under 2 years of age...please spare me the lecture) but boy does he enjoy it! As you can see, he can't believe that Ana Lucia and Libby were shot. He has also been known to talk back to the television (don't you hate it when people do that?) and yesterday it sounded like he responded to a question with "Ok".

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