LM: Why mommy?
Me: (giving some long drawn out, thoughtful explanation of why)
LM: But why?
Me: Ummm because God made it that way
LM: But why?
LM: Whacha doing mommy?
Me: Working
LM: What's daddy doing?
Me: Working
LM: What's Nana doing?
Me: Hmmm, I don't know buddy
LM: What's Pop doing?
Me: (sigh) Ummm I don't know, probably working
LM: What's Ashlie doing?
LM:What's Jordan doing?
LM:What's Meme doing?
LM:What's Papa doing?
(you are laughing but he will keep asking until he has covered everyone he knows and has ever met)
Conversation #3
LM: What's dat sound?
Me: (listening to the silence) What sound?
LM: Dat one
Me: (still hearing nothing but silence) I don't hear anything buddy
LM: M-O-M-M-Y dat sound
Me: I don't hear anything buddy
LM: Oh, its me, "Little Man"
Conversation #4
LM: What happened?
Me: What happened? What do you mean?
LM: M-O-M-M-Y, what happened?
Me: What do you mean buddy? What happened to what?
LM: (walks away)
Also heard a couple of hundred times a day, in his truly southern drawl:
Dis not wurking
what's dat?
I don't lyyyyke dis
It too lowd
Dis is not funny
Wook at me, mommy, wook at me, I cute!
dis stuck, fix it
i need help
hi mommy, its me, Little Man (why he introduces himself to me 100 times a day is beyond me)
Finally, my favorite thing he has said in a long time happened while we were standing in line at church to buy donuts for breakfast and he is holding a dollar bill...
LM: hey mommy! who dis guy on my money?
Me: That is president washington
LM: I don't lyyyyke him, take him off, dis MY money
3 days ago
That put a smile on my face! so cute :)
I LOVE it! Too cute! Make sure you're documenting all his little 'sayings' in the baby book!
Danny and I are sitting here cracking up! We especially like the "Dis MY money" comment. He's too precious.
Love, Bethany
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