Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Firefighter Olympics

This week our little family attended the annual Texas Firefighter Olympic Games in College Station, Tx. Travis was on the soccer team that represented his city and has really enjoyed getting back to the game as it has been a few years since he last played. Little Man has been to a few of Trav's practices and is really starting to get into the game since Daddy is playing and practicing all the time so Trav went shopping last week and bought him his very own shoes, shin guards, socks and mini soccer ball. I bought him a blue jersey with Daddy's number on it and some tiny little soccer shorts in preparation for the game. We both gave him his gifts the night before Daddy's first game and he was SO excited that he insisted on trying on his clothes immediately, even though it was bed time. As soon as he was dressed he turned to me and said, "I so excited mommy! Take my picture!" Hahah. Afterwards he took all of his gear and laid it out on the chair beside his bed. It was too cute.

It was unbelievably hot even though all of the games were in the first half of the day. Little Man only lasted in his uniform through the first game and then he stripped down to his pull-up. June Bug was cool as a cucumber with 3 fans pointed directly on her, plus a few spritz downs from Nana's spray bottle. We did have a little incident when she stuck her little finger in the foam blades and was startled enough to let out a wail and every firefighter/paramedic within a 10 block radius whirled around to look, haha. Guess they can't ignore instinct.

Oh and did I mention his team won the gold? :)


Hollie Reese said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! I am so sad we weren't in town to see you guys!

Any new babies from the Howell's??? Isn't she due now?

Meagan said...

We missed you too! Maybe we can get together when we head down this fall.

No Howell baby yet...her due date is tomorrow and the midwife says it looks like she is in for another week. :( What is your prediction? Girl or boy? I am feeling a girl but then again I was wrong with both of my kiddos, ha.

Miss you!
