LM: Mommy, Fahder Abaham have many sons?
Me: Yes buddy he had lots and lots of sons.
LM: It so hot in Fahder Abaham house?
Me: Well, yeah, I guess it probably was hot in his house. Why do you ask?
LM: He have lots of SUNS mommy. Da sun is so hot.
LM: Mommy, I don't feel good. I sick.
Me: You're sick? What's wrong?
LM: My froat hurts, my stomach hurts and my arm hurts
Me: Your ARM hurts?
LM: Yes and my 'nother one arm hurts too
Junebug is practicing her new vocal skills by screeching and blowing loud raspberries
LM: June bug is too loud. She hurting my ears.
Me: She is just practicing talking
LM: (walks up to JB and gets right in her face) WOMAN dat talkin too loud!
Me: Excuse me?
LM: Sorry mommy (back to JB) Princess woman, dat talkin too loud!
(we actually had a long talk about this one)
Leaving Sonic
LM: Hey! Where's my flush (slush)?
Me: We didn't get one today buddy.
LM: But mommy I NEED caffeine!
My favorite is "woman your too loud!!" Haha. I also liked how he told me yesterday morning that Hunter's puffs (which Little Man LOVES to ask for when he sees Hunter eating them ) are "tasty for his stomach"
Too funny!! So did you find out where he got the "woman" thing? LOL
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